
SOFIVA Cancer Risk-BRCA1/2

People who carry BRCA1/2 gene mutation are relatively easier to have breast cancer and other cancers (ex. ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, prostate cancer). Hence, by taking BRCA1/2 gene testing to

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■ What Is BRCA 1/2 gene testing?
In 1990s, the scientists had been found BRCA1, BRCA2 consecutively. These 2 genes are tumor-suppressor genes which are related to DNA double strand break repair.

Once, one of the two genes occurs defect, the double strand break cannot be fixed correctly. Cells become cancerous while the damage of DNA accumulates to certain level. Therefore, people with inborn BRCA1/2 mutation are at an increased risk of developing cancer individually.

People who carry BRCA1/2 gene mutation are relatively easier to have breast cancer and other cancers (ex. ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, prostate cancer).

International movie star and United Nations Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie lost her mother, aunt, and grandmother to breast cancer or ovarian cancer. Whenever Angelina’s grandmother was mentioned, her six children always asked innocently and anxiously whether they would also lose their mother (Angelina) to the same disease. While she assuaged their worries each time, her own concern prompted her to take a BRCA gene test, which indicated that she indeed carried the BRCA1 gene mutation associated with hereditary breast/ovarian cancer. As a result, she decided to take strong precautionary measures.

Cancers induced by hereditary BRCA1/2 mutations are different from sporadic cancers :

■ Hereditary:
Many people within the same family suffer from identical or related types of cancer.

■ High chance of being inherited:
BRCA1/2 mutations have a 50% chance of being passed on to the next generation.

BRCA1/2 gene mutations are dominant, and children have a 50% chance of inheriting the mutated gene.

■ High cancer risk:

Individuals carrying BRCA1/2 mutations have a significantly higher chance (as high as 80%) of developing breast cancer.


Suitable for people with:

◆ More than two family members have breast or ovarian cancer.
◆ Family members have had cancer at a younger age than normal for that type of cancer.
◆ Same family person carries two times breast cancer or breast and ovarian cancer at the s ame time.
◆ Family members have male breast c ancer.
◆ Willing to know whether they are inherited mutation carrier.


New Concept of Health Management based on genes
Breast cancer and ovarian cancer have a better prognosis when diagnosed at an early stage. If the cancer can be diagnosed at stage. 1, the cure rate is up to 87%. Understanding your own constitution and formulating an effective regular screening plan is one of the best methods to maintain your health.

Suggestions by Test Results

Negative (No possessing genetic mutation)
◆ Perform breast self-exam following each menstrual period.
◆ Take mammogram every year for women over 45 years of age.

Positive (Possessing gene mutation)
◆ Take breast MRI scan (or breast ultrasound) every year for women over 25 years of age.
◆ Take breast MRI scan (or mammogram) every year for women over 30 years of age.
◆ Take breast ultrasound and test CA-125 tumor marker every half year for women over 30 years of age.

Patient Story

Individuals with the BRCA Gene Mutation have a Greater Risk of Cancer

In the general population, the risk that an individual will develop breast cancer is 13%. However, the risk of breast cancer in an individual with the BRCA mutation is dramatically higher (over 83%). These individuals are also 25 times more likely to contract ovarian cancer than an individual in the general population.

In the general population, males have a significantly lower chance of developing breast cancer (approximately 0.1%) due to the small number of breast cells they possess. However, the risk of breast cancer faced by a male with the BRCA mutation is 60 times higher than the risk faced by a male from the general population.

Individuals that have the BRCA mutation are also at greater risk of developing pancreatic cancer and melanoma.

How It Works

1. Physicians/ Nurses explain procedures and contents.

2. Fill out consent form and collect blood sample.

3. Sample delivered to SOFIVA Genomics.

4. Processing and data analysis.

5. Report completed in 15 working days.


Q: How many times shall we take the SOFIVA Cancer Risk - BRCA1/2 testing?
A: "SOFIVA Cancer Risk-BRCA1/2" is designed to test the DNA of germline cells which generally does not change. Therefore, you only need to take once during your lifetime.

Q: If the test result is positive, shall we need to undergo a preventive mastectomy like Angelina Jolie did?
A: The test results of SOFIVA Cancer Risk - BRCA1/2 help the test subject understand what their future chances of getting cancer. Individuals that possess genetic mutations associated with hereditary cancers have a risk of developing cancer that is over 80%. The most extreme measure is to remove most of the breast tissue like Angelina Jolie did, which can greatly lower the cancer risk.

However, there are multiple ways to process health management. One suggestion that has been provided by clinical doctors is to shorten the interval between health checkups. For example, individuals with the BRCA mutation should undergo mammograms and have regular checkups every 6 to 12 months. Our test reports identify the locations of point mutations as well as information about current clinical cases.
If your test result comes back positive, please consult your doctor to receive further information regarding test intervals and items.

Q: If the testing results is negative, does it mean that we will not suffer from a cancer?
A: The test results of SOFIVA Cancer Risk - BRCA1/2 represent your internal genetic conditions and indicate your future chance of getting cancer. However, the results do not completely rule out the possibility of cancer. If your test comes back negative, which means the risk of getting hereditary cancer is quite low. However, it is still possible to get sporadic cancer (do not due to an inherited gene mutation).